William, I will read and reread the The Yellow Wallpaper. It has a lot to unpack. I will also get the book you recommended. I wasn’t tech savvy enough to get the music, but I will Google the lyrics. Thanks for these three things.

I was so excited this morning to see you are going to graduate and go to the beach. Way to go, William! You should be so proud of yourself; I know that your mom and dad must be so happy. Have a great time! You deserve it! Love, oooxxx

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When I first looked at all 3 things you listed, I knew I had take time to listen/read each with time to fully understand them all. First of all, the song is wonderful. I love music but more specifically love music/artists for their lyrics. With almost all the music I listen to, I look at the lyrics and think more deeply than most about them. My whole family knows that if a song has a good message or good lyrics, I’d love to take a listen. I’ve taken note on the music you have shared through this Substack as well as other social media platforms. The music you share never ever fails to speak to me and along with your posts and the words you share, there is also always a part of me that is excited for the music that will come with it. The Yellow Wallpaper was a very interesting one. As I finished each page and section, I took time to think about it and by the end I had so many emotions about it. I feel like this is the type of piece that you could analyze forever. There are tons of lines I could point out that hit me but hard but for the sake of the lengthiness of the message I feel I should keep it simple. One of my favorites being

“John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him.”

Another being the whole section when this is said,

“Really dear you are better! "

" Better in body perhaps - "

But overall this story ended up being so meaningful and I’m so glad I read it now and took the time to understand all the pieces. It’s one I will definitely keep coming back to.

The book is one I will have to find somewhere to read but I can only imagine it’s a very good and insightful book. Will need to find soon!

Thank you for sharing these 3 things this Sunday morning and happy graduation!!☺️


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Hi William. Congratulations on your graduation !🎓

My daughter also just finished high school. I have a 20 year old son who has gone through a similar journey as you. His suicidal ideation started in 6th grade and he attempted four times before we finally found a therapeutic wilderness program for him. HopeWay did not yet exist. I am so happy that you’ve found help and relief and that you are sharing your story to help others. Thank you for being so brave and vulnerable. God bless you !

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William, you are wise beyond your years. I am a friend of your grandparents, Clay and Jackie. I have followed your journey and have been very impressed with how you have handled everything that has been thrown at you. You have helped many people with similar situations. Your writings are much appreciated, keep up the great work and have a wonderful summer.

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