That sweet, precious, loving little boy is still in you as an older version. Always considerate and loving to Mimi and me. Always friendly and kind to others. You have done amazingly well to cope with your situation for such a long time. As we all know, and as you have conveyed, at some point the burden becomes greater than you can carry alone. Your articles are helping so many to not continue trying to go it alone but to seek help! I don’t believe there is any greater contribution than helping others who are hurting and feel desperate! We are so proud of you! You are such an asset to our family and now to so many others. You have taken pain and desperation and and used it as a tool to help others. You have set a high standard of success at 18 years of age, you have shown strength, perseverance and courage when your mind was telling you otherwise. We love you, Meems and G’dad

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I doubt I could have told anyone what day it was, either. We went into the ER in the dark and came out in the dark and saw no daylight in between (no windows, obviously.) It was only a day, but it felt like a week.

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Hey William, I’ve really enjoyed reading your story thus far, the way you have processed and laid out your journey is mesmerizing, heartbreaking at times, but beautiful all the same. I would love to be able to get in contact with you somehow, I’m a musician who has been through similar struggles and was also at Hopeway for a while. I gave you a follow on instagram but would love to get in contact as a fellow writer and traveler.

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